10 Class Reviews 5.0 of 5.0
In-Person: 45min Core and Stretch
I loved the experience, even though I was the only one in attendance the instructor offered to cater the class toward me. I would love a 6pm start time if possible as it was my office day so i had to battle traffic in order to make it.
Jan 31, 2025
In-Person: Gentle Yoga
Natasha has a great flow with her yoga classes. I enjoy staying in positions for a long time - allowing my body and gravity to heat different muscles and focus on my body! The slowness of classes also forces me to become very present in the moment!
Jan 18, 2024
In-Person - Group Strength Training
I really like how Oey setus up the strength training circuits. There is a good balance at targeting different muscle group. I like being able to focus on different actions and improve through the class!
Dec 27, 2023
This was super fun! I really liked this seemingly easy, yet challenging class! I like it when new people join too! And the mimosas and snacks after were super awesome! Great event! Can't wait for more!
Apr 24, 2023
In-Person: Mimosas and Social Hour
This was an awesome event! Really great snacks and preparation from Valerie and Staci. I enjoyed meeting other residents too! Can't wait for more!!
Apr 24, 2023
In-Person: 45min Circuit Training
I really enjoy attending classes outside of my comfort level. They really help me to understand different equipment that I am too intimidated to try on my own and gain safe confidence in the gym. I was the only person in this class and we were able to personalize it to trying different exercises and targeting different muscle groups. I really enjoyed the sequenced cardio warm-up and learned how to lower my heart rate back down. I would love a follow-up list of the exercises!
Feb 9, 2023
In-Person: Gentle Yoga
Had an amazing yoga session with Staci, the way she guided throughout the class and had the flow planned was amazing. Would love to take more classes from her!
Oct 31, 2022
In-Person: Weight Lifting for Women
This class was great for me, I am just getting back into the gym after having surgery earlier this year and it was great to learn how to do exercises correctly and effectively! I wish these classes happened more frequently, and during the weekdays- I really love the accountability and community they provide!
Jun 29, 2022
Maria andrea
In-Person: 30min Meditation
Great class, super relaxing. Just what I needed. She also adjusted the class to help with my Achilles recovery.
Oct 13, 2021
Maria andrea
In-Person: 30min Full-Body Strength
Great class, she made modifications for me as I’m currently recovering from an injury.
Oct 7, 2021
11 Coach Reviews 5.0 of 5.0
coach Natasha
She was very sweet personable and accommodating regarding my pain and ability to do stretches provided modifications.
Jan 31, 2025
coach Natasha
Natasha is always in a great mood and ready to adjust the yoga practice to best address any stresses or injuries you may be dealing with. I look forward to classes with Natasha knowing I will leave so relieved and stress-free!
Jan 18, 2024
coach Oey
Oey is a great trainer, he always has a well balanced and challenging program for each class. I have learned how to use different equipment in the gym and improve my form while doing exercises. Hope to have Oey for more classes!
Dec 27, 2023
coach Staci
Staci is wonderful - I love when she coaches! Super supportive and understanding of abilities and adjustments for the workout.
Apr 24, 2023
coach Christopher
Topher is an incredible coach! I had done a lot of group classes before (Orange Theory/Shred 415) but the class I attended ended up being more of a personal training session. He helped me correct my form and was thorough with the why behind different movements and strength training exercises. Highly recommend his classes!
Apr 3, 2023
coach Christopher
Topher was very helpful to ensure my correct poses during our exercises. He was really educational in sharing techniques I can use in the future when implementing reps on my own, and how I can adjust and challenge myself safely. I really appreciated his encouragement when I followed through on something correctly, he was patient with my understanding and really explained the intention of all of the exercises. He was also very approachable and great to talk to throughout the class.
Feb 9, 2023
coach Staci
I am new to the working-out world and I had knee surgery earlier this year- Staci was very patient with me and guided me to do a variety of safe and effective exercises! She created a well-rounded class targeting all areas of the body and using a mix of different equipment. Staci was also really kind and easy to talk to about my form or ask if I was using a machine correctly, and she encouraged me to not be intimidated by the TRX System! Working with Staci was a great way to regain my gym confidence, I feel comfortable using what I learned on my own in the future! Hope to take another class with Staci again!
Jun 29, 2022
coach Staci
Staci is a burst of sunshine energy! Great workout yesterday. I'm feeling it this morning!
Jun 19, 2022
coach Valerie
Valerie did a great job coordinating the event! I very much enjoyed hanging around and chatting after the workout.
Jun 19, 2022
Maria andrea
coach Marva
Súper nice, kind and knowledgeable. I will recommend her to anyone.
Oct 13, 2021
Maria andrea
coach Jillian
Great personality, motivational and focused on helping me with proper form and correct motion.
Super nice
Oct 7, 2021
7 Fitness Center Reviews 4.6 of 5.0
Great locatio!
Jan 31, 2025
Love the roof top!
Jan 18, 2024
The space is okay, could use some more medicine balls, and often needs wipe replacements.
Dec 27, 2023
I love the roof on a beautiful day.
Apr 24, 2023
I do wish Batik had more workout spaces but I do love being on the roof for these events!
Apr 24, 2023
The Fitness Center is definitely pretty small, but usually not too busy. I enjoy these classes as they help to show me how to use the specialized equipment - and the coaches have a technique to use the equipment in multiple ways above their intended use to double the use! But as far as if the classes are ever "full" (5+ people) this would not be a good space especially when sharing with other residents.
Feb 9, 2023
This gym is small-ish but has a GREAT variety of equipment!
Jun 29, 2022