View Guided Fitness Program for multi-family (apartment) Communities Peloton

10 Class Reviews 5.0 of 5.0

Jennifer on Body Blitz :
Excellent. Personalized. Fun. Can’t wait to go again.
Jul 2, 2019
Joe on Body Blitz :
I really enjoyed Sarah! It was a a rigorous workout but not at a breakneck pace with plenty of rest stops. I had a bit of a tweaked neck so I did some moderate weigh chest presses which worked well pour moi!
Jan 6, 2019
Joe on Body Blitz :
Hailee was tough but good. Sometimes I need to be pushed so we're a good fit. See you on Saturday! Best, Joe
Nov 13, 2018
Chris on Body Blitz :
I really look forward to these weekly workouts as I'm able to push myself harder than I would if training alone. It's also really fun to work out as a group.
Nov 6, 2018
Stephen on Body Blitz :
I learned several new exercises and I'm feeling it a day later, so that means they must have been good.
Nov 4, 2018
Jonathan on Body Blitz :
Awesome class, instructors have all been awesome so far and it’s a great way to force me out of bed on a weekend morning!
Oct 28, 2018
Natalia on Body Blitz :
Paige was great! She kept me motivated and it helped me to push myself. Great class, loved it!
Oct 28, 2018
Hae sol on Body Blitz :
This was a very nice high-intensity class, definitely will take it again in the future!
Jul 30, 2018
Chris on Body Blitz :
Very difficult work-out to go at it 100% the whole class but doable if you pace yourself. It's as hard as you make it. Very curious to see how I progress over the next couple of weeks & months.
Jul 22, 2018
Megan on Body Blitz :
This was a great,fun, high intensity class that worked the whole body!
Jul 10, 2018

14 Coach Reviews 5.0 of 5.0

Neela on coach Sarah :
Sarah was hands down the best trainer/coach I have ever worked with! Her expertise in fitness, health, and establishing a goal-oriented mentality are unmatched. Sarah worked with me over several months to not only accomplish but dominate some extremely challenging strength and cardio goals. Her awesome attitude, patience, and overall great personality just add to her being a stellar coach. I can’t say enough good things!
Jan 26, 2020
Chris on coach Sarah :
Sara is great, I always enjoy going to class. She's very knowledgable about training, fitness, and nutrition. I learn something new every week. She also gives you a little push when needed!
Feb 24, 2019
Joe on coach Sarah :
Sarah was very nice and attentive. I hope she’ll continue with us! :)
Jan 6, 2019
Joe on coach Hailee :
A great teacher and lots of fun.
Nov 13, 2018
Chris on coach Hailee :
Great Coach! Very intense and complete workout. She don't play!
Nov 13, 2018
Chris on coach Nick :
Nick's a great coach. He keeps class interesting and is always there to correct form and help work around injuries. He is full engaged which makes me want to focus more.
Nov 6, 2018
Stephen on coach Nick :
Nick was very encouraging, and patient with demonstrating each exercise and the right form.
Nov 4, 2018
Jonathan on coach Paige :
Paige was awesome. Very engaged and keeps you on your toes, making sure your form is correct and pushing u to go further.
Oct 28, 2018
Joe on coach Paige :
Paige is wonderful to work with. The perfect balance between pushing you to challenge yourself while also sensing your limits. I particularly appreciate her diet advice. Thanks, Paige!! See you for Tuesday night training! Joe
Oct 28, 2018
Blane on coach Paige :
Paige gave an excellent class with great attention to details and correctives.
Oct 12, 2018
Gracie on coach Alberto :
Alberto was very knowledgeable and resourceful. I learned very much in our one on one session. In the past, I had taken a kickboxing class of his, which was a great workout as well. Would highly recommend him to anyone interested in improving themselves and to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Jul 24, 2018
Chris on coach Marleise :
Marleise was awesome. She was knowledgeable, organized and had a great music playlist! She was very helpful answering questions when asked and correcting form to prevent injury when needed.
Jul 22, 2018
Rose on coach Alberto :
Had a 1 on 1 personal training seshion with Alberto and it was great! Very knowledgeable!
Jul 20, 2018
Megan on coach Marleise :
Marleise did great for the first time coming into this gym and made excellent adjustments to her workout plan based on what the gym provided! I look forward to what she will have prepared next time now knowing what to expect.
Jul 10, 2018

7 Fitness Center Reviews 4.4 of 5.0

Very good gym overall. It could use some heavier kettlebells + some heavier dumbells. A save decline bench would be appreciated it, the current one has no way to anchor your feet in.
Feb 24, 2019
Of course the Peloton rocks!
Jan 6, 2019
I think ropes is a great idea if it's possible. Perhaps we'll ask the folks at Peloton...
Nov 13, 2018
Great gym overall but is lacking in a few areas. The elliptical machines are in definite need of a power wash. Some heavier dumbbells and a decline bench would be appreciated.
Nov 6, 2018
Plenty of room and enough equipment for all seven of us to workout.
Nov 4, 2018
Love having the gym, it was a big factor in choosing to live here, but I’d say just needs a bit more weight variety and maybe some different tools that some of the guided fitness trainers bring in like sliders for abs or elastic bands
Oct 28, 2018
Great gym but missing a few key items in my opinion and grateful The peloton provides the class for free. In a perfect world I'd love to see: 1. A heavy bag(s) for punching and kicking 2. More and heavier dumbells 3. Heavier medicine balls 4. Bosu ball. 5. Decline bench
Jul 22, 2018