Mera Craig Ranch Fitness Classes Schedule

Live Stream - Level 1-2 Yoga Strength, Stability and Flexibility

At Home Yoga     Live Stream


Duration: 60 Minutes

Max Class Size: 30

Location:   Online

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Discover the perfect balance of effort and ease in this dynamic Level 1-2 yoga class, designed to build strength, enhance stability, and improve flexibility. Through a blend of Vinyasa and Yin yoga styles, you'll flow through sequences that challenge your balance and engage your core, while holding grounding postures to stretch deeply and calm your nervous system.

This class invites you to explore mindful movement and stillness, fostering both physical resilience and mental clarity. Whether you're strengthening your warrior poses or sinking into restorative stretches, you'll leave feeling centered, rejuvenated, and connected to your breath.

Suitable for yogis seeking a gentle challenge, with modifications offered to honor your unique practice. Be sure to have a yoga mat in your space for this practice.

Future Sessions: 2