About Stephanie:

Hello! My name is Stephanie. I am certified as a Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer. I am interested in working with individuals and groups on health and fitness through helping people explore ways in which they can incorporate physical activities into their daily lives. I have worked with seniors and adults and I enjoy connecting with others and developing relationships. I also encourage participants to find ways they can not just develop an exercise regime, but also improve in their fitness and continue to develop self confidence and empowerment.

Review Rating: 5.0 of 5.0 20 customer reviews

"Stephanie has a great manner and uses a nice variety of movements throughout the ... " more

"Great job... " more

"Stephanie✨ works upper and lower body. I am a little sore when I leave. That’s a ... " more

"Great work paid attention for those of in need of help especially me, thank you.... " more

"Stephanie is caring, and friendly. She will give you a great workout... " more

Stephanie's Professional Certifications

Stephanie Minich is also a certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor and Water Aerobics Instructor


Senior Wellness

Women’s Fitness

Weight Loss

Stephanie's pictures and videos


Aqua Class In the Summer!

I loved our Aqua Aerobics sessions in the summer! I really enjoyed getting to know the participants and being able to enjoy the pool and fitness all in one!